As we wrap up celebrating Pharmacy Week, I wanted to share some brief KCHP updates! I am excited to share that the KCHP Board selected a new association management company in August, Kelly Dando Consulting (KDC). Over the last two months we have worked closely with the KDC team to update, organize, and align operations within KCHP. Our website and social media accounts are updated so be sure to check in with us at and follow us on all of our social platforms -- Instagram, X, LinkedIn, & Facebook -- to see what is new! See links at the bottom of this email.
The KCHP Board recently updated our strategic plan, and we want to share details of those priorities with you. The full strategic plan is included herehowever, I want to highlight our top priority for the coming months: growing our active membership base 25% by April 25, 2025. To best position KCHP to successfully support hospital and health system pharmacy practice, increasing and engaging our members is critical. Between now and our Spring Meeting on April 25, 2025 you will see focused energy on connecting with you as members, increased digital and social media presence, and efforts to bring in new members while re-recruiting current and previous members. One strategy to achieve that is through the addition of our New Practitioner Liaison appointed role, which is set to be filled shortly. We are excited to have this role on the Board to help us support newer practitioners and support our overall membership efforts.
In closing I wanted to share gratitude to all of you! Pharmacy Week is a time to celebrate our wonderful profession and reflect on our key role in patient care. If you are interested in getting more involved in KCHP and volunteering or interested in running for board position, email kchppharmacy@gmail or any of the current board members to learn more!
Thank you for all that you do! I hope you enjoyed this special week!
Chris Bell, PharmD, MS
KCHP President